Faith and Focus Planner

You NEED planning to be easier.
Juggling all the notebooks, planners and calendars is overwhelming. You’re always misplacing them or forgetting what you wrote where. You have notebooks with plans in one place, calendar and agenda in another, goals in a different book, and frankly, you question why couldn’t it all be in one place?
You have notebooks with plans in one place, a calendar, and an agenda in another, goals in a different book, and frankly, you question why couldn’t it all be one place?
Plus, as a business owner, your daily schedule doesn’t work well with a typical planner because you don’t work 9-5. Our lives and businesses are woven together. One minute you’re working and the next you’re refereeing your kids or trying to answer the forever question of “what’s for dinner?” Own it. You do a lot in your daily life. You need a planner that gives you space for both.
Ready for freedom from trying to find the right notebook?
You don’t have to struggle with searching for all of your notebooks anymore. I created the Faith and Focus Planner just for you, the Christian business owner trying to create more margin, ease, and focus on what matters in your life.
This planner has monthly and daily calendar pages, journal pages and prompts for bullet journaling or lined journal entries, time blocking, and goal planning, all in one place!
It’s a six-month planner so you can make different goals for different seasons and not have to carry around a huge notebook.

Curious about what’s inside? Here’s a peek.

Hey Hey! I’m Danielle Roberts, Certified Life Coach, Essential Oils Educator, Wife, and Mom of 4.
When I say tired of notebooks in all the places for every single thing, that was me! I got tired of having notebooks for so many different things that I combined my favorites of each thing and created the Faith and Focus Planner, which is what I use for myself and with my clients.
It’s a minimal, beautiful planner with plenty of space for notes, time blocking and more. I wanted something functional that would serve me and make life easier, instead of harder and making me feel overwhelmed.
“I couldn’t do life or business without this planner. When I started my coaching with Danielle she led me through the process of intentionally planning goals and actually achieving them. I have always struggled with the actual steps to accomplishing goals and Danielle finally helped me to figure that out and her planner is what helps me break it all down.”
Heather Farris, Pinterest Strategist

Stop searching for perfection, start living out your life with purpose and passion through the Faith and Focus Planner.
You can have everything all in one simplified planner right at your fingertips. Are you ready for that?
I can’t wait to see how you use yours! Be sure to share once you’ve purchased with #faithandfocusplanner.