What happens when you don’t have clients or customers as a small business owner? Your livelihood (aka food, rent, etc) relies on your making money, you may have a team to pay, or you provide income (extra or not) to your family. If you don’t have people who are paying you, what do you do?

In February, I got a little anxious about not having any new sign-ups for my Young Living business. I had a personal goal to get oils and cleaner cleaning products into two more homes last month, and it didn’t happen. I’m not going to go why I’m passionate about Young Living here, however, I will tell you that so much freedom physically, emotionally, and mental struggles have come from removing toxins from our home – I want that for everyone. That’s why I share with others and why it’s disappointing when what I’m sharing with others doesn’t connect in a way that makes them want that too, as I’m sure you’ve experienced as well. I believe this is where God has placed me right now in my business, to be an encouragement and to equip those who need help in this area. I am helping to provide for my family through Young Living, while I work on my Bachelor’s Degree. Even though I’m getting money through my GI Bill, we still need the extra I make.

The hustle mentality of “push, push, push” and self-reliance is so prevalent in the Network Marketing/Direct Sales (and small business) worlds.

I cannot stand it. I do not have to strive to thrive.

Instead of getting myself into a tizzy and freaking out about not getting customers/clients, here are a few things I did and ways I reframed my mindset and I’m sharing this vulnerable post to help you if you are also wondering where money and clients/customers will come from. (I wrote this in the middle of February and I can tell you that I didn’t get any new members last month. However, I did have a large number of orders from other members of my team which gave me a $30 commission check. I also ended up selling a few books and made some other money. Plus, I was challenged to grow personally.)

– Trust God. In Philippians 4, Paul talks about being content in all circumstances and he trusts God to provide. “My God provides” is an affirmation I have on my mirror that reminds me of this truth. Tim Keller, in his book, Every Good Endeavor, he says that we have to rest and know that God provides for us. This is not easy, but we can rely on God to bring those we need into our business.

While I struggle with the idea that God hasn’t provided for me last month in new members, I also know two things:
1. God knows what he’s doing (and he provided in other ways).
2. God’s provided in other ways like surprise money from my husband’s aunt right before we went on a staycation and that covered our food while we were gone. God may be providing for you in ways like surprise money, or it could be that he surprises in other ways. Look for him to show up. He does, even when we don’t notice it.

– Clarify Messaging. I spent time reassessing what it was I was saying and how I was saying it. While I didn’t feel it was necessary to reach out and hire someone this time but if this is something you want to do, I highly suggest Lindsey Johnson of Verity and Co! She’s got a strategy session to help you in this area and she does amazing work! You can book that here. Because of the work that she and I have done together, my copy has become a lot stronger.

– Reassess Mission and Vision. While I was looking at my business I pulled out paper and wrote out what I want my two branches of DR to stand for and what I want to talk about. I loved the outcome and I really appreciate when I have time like this so I can rework what I’m doing. Even though it’s hard not having clients, maybe these things are ones you can work on.

– Pray and Seek God’s Direction. This is a great thing to do no matter what season of business you’re in.

– Use the “free” time to network, finish unfinished projects, and work your visibility plan. These are things that often get pushed to the side when we have a full plate, I encourage you to show up for others and for yourself and your business right now.

– Show Up. Keeping showing up again, and again, and again, and again. Even though it’s so hard to do when you’re feeling frustrated with where you’re at, keep going and showing up. You never know who needs you and how you’ll change someone’s day with what you offer when you show up. This month I’ve hit my highest amount of volume sold and I am shocked but so blessed. I keep going and showing up, and I’m so glad for it.

– Dig deep and Be Real with Yourself. I can be the queen of believing that I’m giving it my all when in reality, I’m only pretending to give it my all. What ends up happening in this situation is I hurt myself and those I’m serving. Dig deep and call out the bull **** is something I’ve had to challenge myself to do. Pretending doesn’t go anywhere, especially when you have do show your competence (true story, I’ll tell it sometime). People know the real deal and if that means dealing with limiting beliefs or giving excuses, it shows. Do the work.

– Rest. I’ll always recommend resting (not just sleeping, be rest). You can read other blogs on my site about rest, but girlfriend, you need it. In the midst of the work, do something that’s restorative to your soul. Go for a walk, laugh with girlfriends, go on a date with your spouse, read a good book, or snuggle babies.

If these are tips that have been helpful for you, please share this post so others can find value in it. If you’d like someone to walk alongside you as you are working towards your goals, I’m here for you and I offer 1-1 coaching which you can find here. Be blessed!

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