As business owners, we need to rest. Here are five ways we can pattern rest in our life so we can be restored, refreshed and fully focused on bringing glory to God. Social Media free time – Taking breaks from social media. Work Breaks – Vacation and time during our week where we are resting. Time Boundaries – It’s not good for us to work all of the time. Schedule time to rest and do it frequently (think weekly). Self-care – We need to rethink how we think about self-care. Time in the Bible – Spend time reading the Bible and filling your soul with the water that allows you to never be thirsty.
This show’s sponsor is my devotional, Created for This. This devotional was written specifically for business owners and entrepreneurs. Based on Proverbs 31, this devotional touches specifically on experiences that we have as business owners. God has given us so many great answers for Godly responses to how we can live out life as Godly entrepreneurs. Buy your own copy now.

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Danielle Roberts
Hey, I’m Danielle
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