Do you need a place to get stuff done and the accountability to not have a Summer Slump?

I get it.

The kids are out of school, the weather is warm and sunbathing sounds heavenly,

but we still need to get work done!

I’m right there with you and I know I don’t want my business to take a hit this summer, so let’s keep moving forward together!


Join me and other business owners to…

stay on task and focused by meeting together every other week on Zoom, having a monthly hot seat and check-ins with me to keep you accountable.

all the details:

Starts the first week of June and goes through the end of August

2  calls monthly on Zoom

Hot seat (you will have 1 per month)

Weekly accountability check-in

Workbook for goal planning, time blocking, creating a mission and vision statement plus values  (exclusive for my coaching clients)



1 payment of $75 or 3 payments of $27

so, you in?

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meet Danielle.

Hey! I’m Danielle Roberts, Certified Life Coach and lover of all things time maximization, organization and productivity. I’m a huge fan of making forward business and cheering you on as you do just that, even over the Summer months. 

I’m a wife, mom of four, ages 1-7, author, podcaster, coffee drinker and avid reader. When I’m not working on my businesses, you’ll find me reading, writing, walking with my family or on a date with my husband.

kind words

“Working with Danielle helped me understand how to start running my business and stop letting it run me. I reorganized my weekly schedule to be more productive, and less burnt out from overbooking myself. I learned to prioritize rest and felt so much better for it.

I realized that before working with Danielle my priorities were not in alignment with the vision I had for my life, or business, but now I’m refocused and moving towards the things that matter most.”

– Melissa Whaley Certified Tax Advisor

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