The Christian life is an adventure.
I’m sharing my heart through my diary where I strive for authenticity and transparency.
Created for This Episode 1: An Introduction to Created for This
In this first episode of the Created for This podcast, I'm sharing about myself and what you can expect from the podcast. I'm so excited you're joining me! In this episode of Created for This, you'll hear: About me (I'm sharing all about me, my business and my...
Expecting the Unexpected in Business
A few weekends my grandmother moved into my parents’ house. While this doesn’t seem significant, my parents live 15 minutes away. My whole life my grandmother has lived five hours away at her house, on the other side of Wisconsin. My mom moved her to their house to...
9 Practical Ways to Include Jesus in Your Everyday Work
Pray Jesus prayed about everything. He would take a break to take time praying alone. Take time to pray before you start work. Read 1 Thessalonians 5:12-28, especially verse 17. The notes from the NIV bible say, “We cannot spend all our time on our knees, but it is...
5 Lessons Learned from Rest
If you're new to me, you'll need to know that since August, God called me into a time of rest. I have had to learn a few important lessons about God being God during this time. One of them was that I had to identify my expectation was always that something wrong was...
Finding a Place to Belong
Having a place to belong is vital to humans. One of the things I loved about being in the military was the instant community we had once we landing in Chicago airport. We relied on each other to get through basic training. When I got to Great Lakes, IL for training I...
Using PowerSheets for Life and Business
Hey guys. You get something new here! If you didn't know, I've got a YouTube Channel - here's my video on PowerSheets. I'm Danielle from the Created for This show. And today we're talking about PowerSheets. These PowerSheets are from the Cultivate What...