by Danielle Roberts | Organization, productivity
You don’t have time to waste. You own your own business and live a full life so you want to use your time wisely. But your to-do list never ends, your brain dreams up a million ideas you want to try but can’t find the space for, and administrative tasks...
by Danielle Roberts | Encouragement, Jesus
Pray Jesus prayed about everything. He would take a break to take time praying alone. Take time to pray before you start work. Read 1 Thessalonians 5:12-28, especially verse 17. The notes from the NIV bible say, “We cannot spend all our time on our knees, but it is...
by Danielle Roberts | Goal Setting
Hey guys. You get something new here! If you didn’t know, I’ve got a YouTube Channel – here’s my video on PowerSheets. I’m Danielle from the Created for This show. And today we’re talking about PowerSheets. These PowerSheets are...
by Danielle Roberts | Encouragement
Did you know that under 10% of businesses have written values? Do you? What do you value? Mine are shared below and I’d love to know if you have values that are written down, because having them written makes your business more effective and will help you to...