Katie Bowling started in business by selling button earrings and her business, One Delightful Shop, has pivoted over the years as she’s felt God leading different directions.

Katie candidly talks about how she has listened to God as he’s led her out of a business that was going really well and into something new.

She’s currently working on another transition and has started working on her passion – home decorating. One Delightful Creative will involve the home decorating aspect as well as some graphic design and hand lettering. She and her husband have a podcast that talks about their creative life.

Part of what she loves about interior designing is bringing joy into the home.

Every move has pushed them to rely on the Lord which as increased their trust in him.

We also talk about marketing and advertising and how it can be difficult as a Christian business owner to want to create a need in people to buy something. Katie shares how she strives for more of a minimalist and capsule wardrobe as she’s pivoted.

She shares what they’re doing after they move to Virginia (p.s. after we recorded this, they announced they’re pregnant with their third child – congratulations guys!).

Whatever they’re doing next, they’re waiting with open hands.


Productivity Intensive Productivity Intensive is an in-depth assessment and implementation will help you love your business again and allow you to be present with the people you love. We’ll deep dive into what makes you light up, fills your heart and identify your priorities and how you can live them out. 

After 2.5 hours, you’ll walk away with a schedule that you love and have your mission and vision statements to give you a clear direction of where you’re going and what direction you need to take your business. Click here to book a discovery chat with me to find out if this is a great option for you.

To follow along with Katie’s journey as they move and change their business, follow them on their website or Instagram.

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