We moms are better together. We’re better together being a community of moms business owners who support each other. We can learn from each other and grow together. We can be inspired and encouraged when we come together. This blog post is for you, the mom business owner/entrepreneur who needs encouragement. Maybe you need help figuring out how to “do it all” too. Just a reminder, we can’t do it all, but we can do what we prioritize.

From all of us moms who took the time to answer questions to help YOU, we love you.

P.S. See this post for the first part of this blog series.

Lindsey Johnson

What is your business and how long have you been building it?

My business is called Verity & Co. Female entrepreneurs hire me to create a brand, marketing message, and website that builds a legacy and grows their business. I have had my business since August of 2014.

What does your childcare look like?

My kids are home with me full-time. The longer I am in this space, the more I see that this is very unusual with those who have been entrepreneurs for awhile. But the reason I started my business in the first place is to have a creative outlet and a potential for extra income without having to put my kids in daycare for a ‘real job’, so this is my dream come true. We homeschool our boys (ages 7 and 5), and childcare is honestly not very consistent. My parents will typically watch them for me for several hours each week, I have a nanny that comes occasionally, and since my husband has Fridays off, I’ll often take off to town to work.

This means that my kids have become pretty good at entertaining themselves for a short time each day so I can get work done. I also work early and late when they’re in bed. I’m getting better at outsourcing and only doing the work that lights me up.

What are your plans and dreams for your business and family?

Dreams for my business: these fluctuate several times a year. 🙂 I go back and forth between being very content with the size that it is and being a solopreneur to dreaming big and how I can serve others and have a large team. There may be a time that I have a big team and more income streams, but for now I’m happy with the state of the business. My important than my plans for my business is my family. My sweet fam is paramount and ever decision made for Verity is run through the wringer of: “does this honor Jesus?” and “is this good for my family?” 
As long as my business continues to support my family in a way that is healthy, helpful, and God-honoring, that is the measure.
What’s one piece of advice you have for those who are building their business and family with kids at home?
It is absolutely POSSIBLE. Don’t let anyone ever tell you that it’s impossible to build a business and be home with your kids + prioritize your family. It’s a juggling act–that’s for sure. But there are things you can do to make it happen if God has given you the vision, passion, and motivation to have a business. It’s a matter of prioritizing what really matters and what you can let fall to the wayside.

Aubrey Mathis

What is your business and how long have you been building it?
Aubrey Mathis Blog, I have been at this for less than a year, but have been working from home for the past 14years.
What does your childcare look like?
Right now I am in the season with a 12 and 7 year old that I can get more done, because they do not need me for everything. When they were small though, I did not have child care at all.
What are your plans and dreams for your business and family?
I absolutley dream of the day where I can retire my husband from his physically demanding jobs. I want to build a business that honors God, first and something my girls can say I am so proud of my mom for showing up for us everyday while helping other women do the same.
What’s one piece of advice you have for those who are building their business and family with kids at home?
Don’t be so focused on the business that you miss the little things happening right now in your home. One day you will miss waking up to the sound of cartoons and you will have more than enough time to craft the perfect email.

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Melissa Whaley

What is your business and how long have you been building it?
I have a virtual tax and bookkeeping business, so I help other businesses keep their finances in order. I started it very part-time in 2013 so technically I’ve had the business for 6 years.
What does your childcare look like?
My husband and I both work from home so there’s some flexibility that he can be responsible for the kids if I need to go work in my home office for a couple of hours. We have a babysitter come to the house once a week for 4 hours and try to up that to 2-3 days a week during my busy season. 
What are your plans and dreams for your business and family?
Our dream is for my husband to leave his day job and start his own business as well so we aren’t tied to anyone else’s schedule or demands on our time. We currently live in California and would really like to move out of state, but debt and job opportunities keep us here.  We would like to be completely self-employed so we can travel more and enjoy a slower pace of life.
What’s one piece of advice you have for those who are building their business and family with kids at home?
Learn to be flexible with your time. There will be seasons when you can have a really good routine and other seasons where you have to be flexible and fit things into the margins. Also, do not be too stubborn to ask for help. You would be amazed how family and friends are more than willing to help watch your kids so you can get some work done.
What’s your favorite time saving or productivity tip?
My best tip is to learn what time of day you are able to mentally focus the most and do your best to design your routines around that. So if you focus best in the mornings, block time to do your most focus intense work on the morning and then sprinkle in the other less focus intensive work the rest of the day. I tend to focus best at night when the kids are asleep so when I have important work projects to get done I block the time at night so they don’t get put off. Not everyone is a get up at 5am kind of person and it is ok if that’s not you.

How do you spend time with Jesus? 

I’m working on the habit of praying in bed before I even get up. So when I wake up I start to ask Jesus to show me his plans for my day and to help me not take control but submit my day and thoughts to Him. I use the Bible app on my phone to track the reading plan I’ve chosen for this season (right now I’m reading through the whole Bible cover to cover in a year-ish) After I wake up I try to read at least one chapter of my plan or I will listen to it on audio while I get dressed/ready.  I tend to just pray sporadically throughout the day and I also try to take 15 mins as some point during the day to go through the bible study that our church group is doing so that I can stay active in that. 

Anything else you want to add?

I also realized a few years in that it’s more important for me to build my business slow and steady so that I don’t constantly burn out. I have no desire to be a six-figure business while my kids are little and need my time and attention. 


Kawailehua Pakjake

What’s your business and how long have you been building it?

I am an online beauty coach living in the middle of the Pacific Ocean! I help women feel confident in their beauty routines & offer tips and tricks on how to be efficient with their time and stay in budget. I am an MLM distributor (Maskcara) for a specific beauty company, however my goal is to help women with where they are and focus on their needs, even if that means not purchasing the products I offer. I’ve been in MLMs for 4 years, specifically with my current company for 18 months.

What does your childcare look like?

I am also a new homeschool mom. So I spend a LOT of time with my kids. (However, I LOVE it) Childcare is rare, but we improvise. We have 4 children at home. A preschooler, a 5th grader, 8th grader and a sophomore. Our preschooler goes to a private preschool so that gives me time to homeschool the older children. My business fits in before homeschool and sometimes after, depending on the day. The older children often help with the preschooler, however I try to plan well enough that it’s not a daily occurrence for them.

What are your plans and dreams for your business and family?

Our ultimate goal as a family is to have financial freedom so we can enjoy life TOGETHER. So much of life is a rat race and lived in stages…. first, next, last. We want to enjoy all the blessings God’s given us and by creating income through an online virtual office, that redefines HOW we get to enjoy our life together.

Our dreams include allowing our children to chase their dreams as well. Through my business I hope to gift that same opportunity to others as well and share that blessing of dreaming again with other families. Homeschool has always been a dream of mine. And I’m so glad we’ve been able to pursue that dream and continue to move forward pursuing more.

What’s one piece of advice you have for those who are building their business and family with kids at home?

The best advice I have for others building a business while raising children at home is to Plan. Plan. Plan. If you fail to plan, you won’t necessarily fail, but you’ll DEFINITELY stress yourself out. And that stress can lead you to stalled growth in your business and potentially giving up. So to keep it fun and enjoyable, plan. You should be doing something you LOVE and even the difficult tasks should be enjoyable. They CAN be enjoyable. However, when you don’t plan (or outsource if you can) you tend to burnout quickly and hold a negative connection towards your business. It no longer becomes enjoyable. It becomes “WORK”.

Plan content, plan goals, plan your work schedule, plan meals, plan play dates, plan date nights, plan chores, plan everything. Use a timer for everything. Block scheduling has helped me tremendously. It holds me accountable to non-negotaibles. And you should be creating the non-negotiables for both your family and your biz. Will you take a day off? Will you stop working at a certain time? No emails after a determined time? Setting boundaries is important. Because working from home can turn into always working. You have to learn to clock out to create healthy boundaries for your business and your family.

What’s your favorite time saving or productivity tip?

Time blocking my schedule is by far my favorite time saving tip. It’s basically smart planning. If I don’t plan, and time block my schedule, I end up really wasting valuable time. I become unproductive. Like when utilizing social media for my business, if I don’t plan or set a timer, I can end up getting lost in the scroll. And before I know it, I’ve wasted an hour scrolling. However, when I know a timer is running on a task I’m working on, I stay focused and do my best to “beat the clock” in trying to get as much done as I can in the time I’ve allotted myself for the specific task. When I do this, I get so much more done.

(You can get my (Danielle’s) Time Blocking worksheets and training video here.)

How do you spend time with Jesus?

My alone time with Jesus is through worship and journaling. I love journaling. I always have, picking up Devo plans on an app at the least and writing my thoughts down, centers my peace. It regenerates my faith. It reminds me that I am safe, protected, and seen. Worship, strong powerful worship music is something rather new I’ve implemented in my life and my families. Playing worship during cleaning times and nap times calms everyone, and reenergizes us. It’s amazing how the same song can give energy and also calm you to rest. The power of the Holy Spirit doesn’t go unnoticed in our home.

Anything else you want to add?

I hope I can be a reminder and example to others to believe in the power of the purpose God’s called upon your life. When you don’t feel qualified, or you doubt your abilities remember that you don’t have to be qualified, but you just need to be willing to step into the call God’s placed on your life. If you have a business venture or opportunity you want to pursue, pursue it. Only you hold yourself back. There is a reason you feel called and led to it. Trust it. And when it gets hard and it seems like your being stalled or stopped. Simply look at how you can make it good or become better from it. How can you grow through it? Enjoy the journey, and remember when you feel like no one notices or sees your efforts as a mom or as a business owner…. God sees you. You are seen.

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